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5 Reasons to Create a Personalized Product

Writer: AromaAroma

Creating a personalized and customizable product has not always been the opportunity. Our Aroma has turned the personal care industry on its head, making personalized products accessible and affordable for the everyday person.

While it is great that you can create products with your personal touch and needs, here are 5 reasons to create a personalized product.

Know what is in your products

Our number one reason to make your own personal care products is so that you will know precisely what ingredients are actually going into your product. So many of the products found on the supermarket shelves contain trace quantities of key ingredients, and a whole lot of other ingredients you most likely would not like in your product.

Even with beauty consumers far more aware of cosmetic ingredients, we still see a lot of misinformation circulating online and the use of the words such as ‘toxin- or chemical-free to describe natural products. With Our Aroma personalized personal products, you can know exactly what your product contains.

Customize to your personal needs

Being able to customize your personal products to suit your precise needs is one of the most powerful reasons to create a personalized product. Our Aroma often hears from customers who have many times bought products from a shelf only to find it doesn’t suit their needs? It then lies in a bathroom cabinet unused, only to be thrown away.

Have fun with your Our Aroma Assistant

Fragrance parties for one are an absolute ball! It is a great time to mix up scents and ingredients while you learn about the great creations those around you have made. Each of us is most capable of creating something unique and special. Have a little faith, you will surely surprise yourself!

Create with fresh ingredients

Many products purchased from the supermarkets have gone through a long supply chain, siting for months in warehouses and on shelves waiting for you to pick it up. In order to account for long storage times these products contain synthetic preservatives designed to extend their usage dates.

With natural ingredients having short shelf lives, having the product sit in a warehouse for 6 months is not ideal. With an Our Aroma personalized product your natural ingredients are fresh and therefore perform better than ones that are old and full of preservatives.

You Will Change Your Life!

It won't take long for this to become a passion and way of life. As you become ware of the the ingredients in your personal care products and the impact that they can have on your mind, body, and emotions, you will soon be making more informed decisions. You will detox your body off of the harmful preservatives and other ingredients that have been shown to have terrible side effects. You will feel healthier in every way!

Our Aroma is the world's leader in creating all-natural bath and body, and skincare products that are good for you and the environment! Contact us to schedule a time to create your own products in one of our stores near you.


About Us 


Our Aroma is a natural skin care and scenting company. Creating the highest quality products with ingredients found naturally, Our Aroma products are effective, safe, and sustainable. We lead the industry with simple ingredients that just make scents!

709 Silver Palm Ave, Ste G

Melbourne, FL, 32901

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