Aroma produces all our products with "All Natural" and authentic Essential Oils. We like to highlight the products that we use in all our products and why they are so good for you.
For the month of June, with Summer upon us and freedom to roam, your guests and family members are bringing in the sweaty outside smells inside! We thought that our Citrus Fresh Combination Oil is a very relevant oil to share with you.

Citrus Fresh Combination Oil that Aroma produces uses a combination of Orange Essential Oil, Lemon Essential Oil and Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil.
Orange Essential Oil is derived from the outer peel of the common orange fruit, which has been highly sought after for centuries because of its immune-boosting effects. The most prominent active ingredients in orange oil are limonene (which is about 85–96 percent of the extract) and myrcene (0.5–3 percent). Limonene is especially considered a powerful antioxidant that fights free radical damage and inflammation that can lead to various diseases.
According to research, the benefits of orange oil include:
Fighting cancerous tumors
Increasing circulation
Killing bacteria and pathogens
Decreasing wrinkles
Improving complexion
Easing anxiety
Decreasing hypertension
Lemon Essential Oil comes from cold-pressing the lemon peel and not the inner fruit. The peel is actually the most nutrient-dense portion of the lemon because of its fat soluble phytonutrients. Lemon essential oil is composed of many natural compounds, including terpenes, sesquiterpenes, aldehydes, alcohols, esters and sterols.
The original eucalyptus tree was found in Australia and belonged to the Myrtacae family. The trees grow up to 480 feet tall in damp areas, typically in hillsides or valleys with deep soil.
According to research, the benefits of orange oil include:
Relieves Nausea
Improves Digestion
Nourishes Skin
May Promote Weight Loss
Naturally clean teeth
Clean Fresh scent
Pink Grapefruit Essential Oil comes from a popular fat-burning food, the essential oil actually comes from the peel of the fruit, which holds a range of beneficial volatile compounds. As one of the most versatile essential oils, the aroma of grapefruit oil is clean, fresh and a little bit bitter, just like the actual fruit itself.
According to research, the benefits of orange oil include:
Disinfecting surfaces
Cleansing the body
Reducing depression
Stimulating the immune system
Decreasing fluid retention
Curbing sugar cravings
Helping with weight loss
Diffuse or topically apply this Essential Oil to not only bring a fresh, clean scent but stimulate your immune system and positive disposition.