Everyone has their own personal preferences and likes. Some men like to use aftershave, even if they not shaving with a razor, while others prefer to use a lotion to help their skin recover after being shaved. While there is no right or wrong answer, the question is what do you prefer?
What is the purpose of aftershave?
Shaving does more than just remove your facial hair. The blades actually remove shards of your top layer of skin. Some of these cells are dead and shaving is helping to cleanse your face, but some were still well attached to your face. If you have ever cut yourself while shaving, you understand what we mean.
Here are some reasons that a customized aftershave is perfect for you!
Heal your skin
Aftershave is not always necessary but can be helpful for men with sensitive skin, acne, or frequent skin irritation. Aftershaves contain alcohol or an astringent (acid) that helps to close skin pores and heal the open, raw shaved skin.
Many of us have seen the movie "Home Alone" where Kevin, the 10 years left at home, applies his father's aftershave. That alcohol or astringent can burn, but the pain is short-lived.
Scenting your body
While aftershaves are primarily used to kill bacteria and help your facial skin repair itself. Aftershave was the first means for men to give themselves an attractive masculine scent to attract the opposite sex.
Aftershaves have been known to include the smoldering and masculine scents of;
Tonka Bean
Customized aftershave for men
With everyone being different and having different needs, custom products allow you to get products that smell just like you like and perform the way that you need.
Some people want to use witch hazel instead of alcohol to reduce the burning sensation, some want Vitamin E oil or aloe vera added. Finding a product on the shelf with all your likes and wants is basically impossible. A customized aftershave for men allows you to create your unique product that performs just how you want it to!
Our Aroma is the world's leader in creating personalized and customized bath and body products. To get your personalized aftershave, complete the form here!